Cassie Lawson, North Campus Office Manager

Cassie Lawson is a Texas transplant who now calls East Tennessee home. She married Chris in 2006 and after waiting several years (im)patiently on the Lord's timing to add to their family, together they raise Carter and Callaway, both of whom attend the north campus of RECA.  Cassie holds a Bachelor of Arts from Johnson University in Early Childhood Education and Children's Ministry. She used every variation of her degree possible before moving to the financial world where her hidden love for numbers, rectifying accounts and general nerdiness was finally unearthed.  Once Carter was a year old she "retired" from her career and became a stay at home mom. Now she is ecstatic to use all of her color coding, alphabetical, multitasking, organizational skills at the north campus of RECA. She is a lover of crafting, reading, music, iced coffee and Coke Zero. She and her family attend OneLife Church where she is a worship leader.
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