Tonnie Mason, Records Manager & Umbrella Program Director

Tonnie has been married for over 30+ years and has five children, with ages spanning from elementary-age to adult, and she also has a granddaughter. She home schooled for 21 years before transitioning her youngest two children to River’s Edge. She has been involved in various home school co-ops since 1998, has led home school support groups, started a home school coop, served as administrator for a home school coop, served as a home school advisor, and has participated in various other home school coops. Tonnie graduated from Carson-Newman with a major in Journalism and a minor in Spanish and she loves taking care of details and paperwork! She and her family attend New Hope Church in Kodak where she serves as part of the leadership team for Encore, a ministry for adults 50 and over. She also runs rehearsals and directs the large scale Christmas and Easter productions that the church uses as outreach to share the message of Christ. Her family loves to travel to see the world and meet the people that God created! Her favorite verse is 2 Cor 3:18: “And we all, with unveiled faces, contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into His image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.”
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