August 4, 2016

RECA 100+

What is RECA 100+?

RECA 100+ is River’s Edge Christian Academy’s plan to raise funds of at least $100 per family within the first 100 days of school.

What will families be asked to do?

Easy. The school will NOT ask families to sell coupon books, gift cards, or other items, nor to solicit donations for a silent auction, nor to purchase them. Instead, each family is being asked to simply donate $100, more or less, or whatever amount the family can afford within the first 100 days of school. Families are also highly encouraged to ask extended family, such as grandparents, to donate to the school on their behalf. Families may also choose to do their own form of fund raising if they wish (family yard sale, etc.) and donate some or all of the proceeds to the school. Donations are purely voluntary contributions and all are 100% tax-deductible.


Simple. Select either one of the buttons at the top of this page to make a donation. You can also share the RECA 100+ Give Now button with your extended family and ask them to donate on your behalf. Gifts can be one-time or set up as recurring, so for example, a family may choose to give $10/month for 10 months if they wish to contribute $100.


River’s Edge Christian Academy strives to provide a high-quality, family-oriented education while keeping tuition costs affordable for the average family as well as providing tuition assistance for families with serious financial need. Fund raising provides a secondary source of income for the school’s overall budget, which helps contribute towards the costs of offering tuition assistance, as well as keeping tuition affordable for everyone. River’s Edge Christian Academy tuition rates are less than half of the tuition rates charged by other area private schools. View the Knoxville’s Top Ten Private Schools by Enrollment 2021 to see how RECA’s tuition compares with other area schools.

River’s Edge Christian Academy offers an excellent value for families!

Will all of the other fund raisers go away?

Yes! Though we will continue to have some social events throughout the year (Fall Festival, Pancake Breakfast, etc.) in which a cost is associated to attend, but the purpose of these events will not be to raise funds, only to be social with each other and have fun!

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