Emily Clawson, 2nd Grade Teacher

Emily Clawson is a native Texan and graduated from Baylor University in Waco, TX with a degree in Elementary Education in 2004.  Following graduation, she moved to Knoxville to help start a church plant (Antioch Community Church) and began her teaching career here in Knoxville.  After working with the church for a couple of years, she met her husband James in Knoxville and got married in 2007.  After a long and difficult journey, they were blessed with 2 sons, Tate and Beau.  Her family is currently active at Sevier Heights Baptist Church.  Emily spent 14 years in public schools before coming to RECA, teaching in Anderson County in grades K-2, as well as one year in private school prior to that.  She is thrilled to be a part of the RECA family and enjoys the balance that it offers her family as a teacher and a parent.  Her favorite Bible verse and one that she has leaned on throughout the years is "Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart." Psalm 37:4.
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