Paige Von Hagen, 7th Grade Math

Paige Von Hagen has her bachelor’s degree in Special Education, as well as her master’s degree in Special Education from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. God began to pull her heart towards teaching at a young age. She has been teaching for 25+ years and has been an Educational Therapist for students with learning disabilities. Before having children of her own, Paige taught in Knox County schools. Paige has had children at RECA for 16+ years and formerly served on the RECA board. Paige has been married to Drais Von Hagen for 25+ years, and they have six children.  Her oldest son just completed his junior year at UTK, and her oldest daughter is graduating from RECA this year. Her youngest four children will be students at RECA in 5th, 6th, 7th, and 10th grade. Paige enjoys hiking and backpacking with her family and early morning walks with her friends.  
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