Bridgette Boudreaux, Chemistry and Physics Teacher

Mrs. Bridgette Boudreaux serves as our Science Department Head, as well as our high school chemistry and physics teacher. She was born and raised in South Louisiana and graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Biology from The University of Louisiana at Lafayette. After graduation she completed the coursework necessary for her secondary science teaching certification. Once she and her husband moved to Knoxville, she taught different science classes at South Doyle High School for over four years. After having her oldest son Ethan, she continued to work part time as a science instructional coach for Knox County Schools for another two years. She loves being outdoors, reading and baking. She and her husband Philip have three children: Ethan, Asher and Evangelynn. The Boudreauxs joyfully serve at their church in west Knoxville, Crossway Bible Church.
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