Brian Beemer, Head Administrator and Admissions Director

Brian Beemer graduated from Tennessee Temple University with a Bachelor’s in Pulpit Communications and from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary with his Master’s in Divinity.  He spent 5 years as the Teaching Pastor at Chapman Grove Baptist Church in Kingston, Tennessee and 8 years in the cell phone industry primarily as a store and district manager.  He is married to Jessica and has four children and 2 grandchildren.  They have homeschooled all their children and 2 are currently enrolled in River’s Edge.  Brian is currently an elder at Crossway Bible Church, a church plant in Hardin Valley meeting on the Pellissippi State campus. He loves the Church and is passionate about it and the Word of God.  He desires others to have the same high view of the Church and the Word that God does and expresses in His Word.  If and when time allows he enjoys gardening and tinkering with wood projects.  One of his favorite chapters in the Bible is Colossians 3 that begins with, “Therefore if you have been raised up with Christ, keep seeking the things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God.  Set your mind on the things above, not on the things that are on the earth.” Brian has been our head administrator since the Summer of 2015.
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