Abbie Gottfried, High School English

After spending all of her formative years in Christian schools or homeschooling, Abbie Gottfried graduated from King University in Bristol, Tennessee with a Bachelor of Arts in both English and Spanish. She went on to work as an editorial assistant at Eerdman's Books for Young Readers, where she was able to continue fostering her love of books and learn about the process of bookmaking and publishing. Her desire to be in the classroom with high school students, however, led her to Knoxville where she taught English at both Grace Christian Academy and Christian Academy of Knoxville. Upon meeting and marrying her husband at their church, Redeemer Church of Knoxville, Abbie moved to Orlando, Florida for him to pursue an M.A. in Mental Health Counseling at Reformed Theological Seminary. While there, Abbie continued teaching at a local Christian school. She has taught English to all grades from 7th through 12th, and truly loves the way that the subject allows for students to explore their own stories within the context of the Gospel story at large. In addition to reading books, Abbie enjoys traveling, playing tennis with her husband, hosting people in their home, and being a mom to her newborn son.
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